by Maxine Kern Directed by Ryan Piece (Little Eagle) Suddenly fainting on a subway platform between Atlantic Ave and Pacific Street, Lily takes an unexpected "Global Excursion." Her mind bridges the past and present as it “unspools” like an old- fashioned movie reel. Symbolic archetypes take hold of her world for a “moment in time,” revealing memories, dreams, and hallucinations. Surprising truths emerge sparking a new relationship and a new understanding of human life. Thursday, March 31, at 7:30pm Bernie Wohl Performing Arts Center 647 Columbus Ave btw W91st & W92nd Streets Featuring: Marnie Andrews, Stella Berg, Matt Biagini, Jacob Harran, Brian Richardson, Susan Skosko and Susan Varon. Actors appear courtesy of Actors Equity Assocation Photos by Melissa Bell |
29PWC New Works Part of WHAM Festival at Bernie Wohl Center |